Canivorous Plant Garden $80


17 in stock



Create your own Carnivorous Plant Bog garden. All of these plants will grow happily together, and work together with each of their specialised trapping mechanisms, to lure, capture and digest a wide variety of insects and creepy crawlies.

Your kit includes a large plastic bowl 275mm wide x 130mm deep

A large saucer to sit the bowl in 300mm wide x 45mm deep

A Sarracenia trumpet pitcher plant from our premium range

A venus flytrap plant, 3 different sundews, and a small handful of live sphagnum moss to decorate the top of the soil. Plus a label with all the growing instructions.

Also a bag of our Bog garden Peat mix to pot everything up when you receive it, Simply wet the Peat mix and position the plants in the bowl and fill in with the Peat mix and sphagnum moss on top. Then all you need is some pure water, ie; rainwater or distilled water and you are set.

Please note , your plants may not be the exact varieties shown in these photos.